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Monday, November 7, 2011

Friends let us offer some prayers to pisach devota

Friends offer my community some prayers we need your support to become stronger.This prayer will restore your health. If you or anyone of your family is ill.the procedure is given below.......
Take a clay  pot, then take some rice(50 gm approx) put it in the pot, then the victim (ill people)go to a nearest crossroad and offer this pot chanting this mantra "aham 'your name followed by your father's name' twāmanurajāmi bhawatā pisacha devom bhojanam swādishtamastu kripayā" then go back to your home.Perform this ritual every saturday
wholeheartedly for 3 month. Pisacha blessings will always on you. You will definitely succeed.Take a half oval shape pot.